Due to inactivity this server and the WoW server will be taken offline. I am moving it back to my private internet line where I can't host it cept through hamachi. If those who have toons here are still intrested in playing on this server then I can set up a hamachi server. The wow server will not be on this. If you still want to play your toons then give me a PM.
It is possible that i may put this back online when I can get another ISP but this is a ways off. The cost vs number of players can not be justified so i must drop the ISP I have now. So till next time peace out |
Upgrading as planed, could be down for a while.
Info: The server has been updated to H5. The buffer isn't there, CTF and other changes are gone as well. I'll be adding the buffer and squash event is a maybe, along with other changes. So expect random restarts. |
all. HighFive server has been released and I plan on updating the
server to it. That is if there isn't any objections. This server will be
the Beta version, but I will update anyways. Its likely that once the
beta passes the progress on Freya will stop. You guys can get the info
on progress of H5 at http://www.l2jserver.com. I will start this
tomorrow. To connect you will need the latest client.
If you have questions or concerns or would just like to comment please do so. |
Been working on a WoW server that isn't live yet but anyone that visits here may join it if you please. Just add to you realms list and you can register an account here http://kebi.servebeer.com/
For the new comers. All accounts are auto create so all that is needed is the client and Host info. l2authd.lineage2.com Not a whole lot of people online but the server is here and will stay. I'll make updates and fixes as I can. So enjoy
I've added Top B and A grade to the lux shop. You can get these items with nectar that drop from all mobs in the game, also from CTF even and soon TVT event. Maybe more later. To remind you this is NOT a retail like server. I hope to add many more customs/mods to the server. l2authd.lineage2.com
We just had a power outage that lasted all of 5 seconds. The server is on a battery backup but unfortunately the network hardware isn't. Maybe some day I can remedy this.
As stated I will be adding some updates. The Server will be going down some time today. Keep checking back for status update
Status: UP OK guys the server is back up, there are a few things I wasn't able to get to in time as I have to run some errands. Nothing big. I'll get to it when I'm back. Enjoy! OH sorry about the buff settings, thought I saved them properly.Won't happen again....I hope l2authd.lineage2.com
I have several new events I'm going to add this weekend. Today is my last day of work for the week so I'll time to make changes to the server.
I also upped the Raid Boss drop rate a bit. So I hope they are a bit more generous to you guys. Don't forget that you guys help make the server what it is, if you have suggestions for events or anything else let me know.
I finished the main part of the updates. The serve is now at the latest version. There still a few features that are not working but nothing new.The server will be up shortly.
Please vote. We only need vote from the links on the right side of the page. If you have time you can always vote with the other links too. l2authd.lineage2.com